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02/18/2009 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on February 18, 2009 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 12:10pm.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Monica Kangley, Jeanne Hubbard, Ann McLaughlin, Town Council liaison Sue Weintraub and Judie Bobbi.  Jo Ann was absent.

Ms. Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of January 21, 2009.  Ms. Kangley 2nd.  Motion carried.

Bills and Communication:
The Housing Authority received a thank you note from Real Estate Solutions for listening to their presentation regarding new developments our agency may pursue.
STIF sent a notice of the Annual Meeting to be held on March 27, 2009.  More information will follow.
Housing Authority Insurance Group sent letter reassuring their clients that the company is strong despite the economy.

Old Business and New Business:
Policy discussion…
By-Law draft that is per the CHFA/DECD draft manual will be mailed out to each member so that and proposed changes can be discussed at the March meeting.
Privacy Policy was reviewed and will remain the same for now.
Procurement Policy that was sent our previously should be read.  This is the policy required by HUD for federal housing and CHFA recommends the state units follow.
Cash Disbursement Policy will be reviewed so that it agrees with the new By-Laws

Ms. Kangley referred to an article in the paper regarding prevention of mold in washing machines.  Ms Bobbi will make note of this in the March newsletter.

Ms. Weintraub reported to the Board that the Town Council has passed the Senior Tax Freeze Program.  This is strictly a voluntary program for homeowners.

Ms. Kangley made a motion to adjourn at 1:15pm.  Ms. Hubbard seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary

CC:  Board Members, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Town Council